This week, remember the children who cannot go back to school - #putchildrenfirst
In the middle of the hustle and bustle of back-to-school and the excitement of new classes, new clubs and new friends, we sometimes forget that there…
Monday October 6, 2014
A Life on the Streets Transformed - #putchildrenfirst
When Agnes’ husband died, she and her nine children were left alone and without support #putchildrenfirst
Friday October 3, 2014
Growing Up Fast: Anh’s Story - #putchildrenfirst
Anh Dung was four years old when his mother died and his father left him to be brought up by his grandparents #putchildrenfirst
Wednesday October 1, 2014
Wishes for a bright future - #putchildrenfirst
Supporting the family is a large burden on Kusa’s young shoulders, but he is hardly the only child in India with such responsibilities #…
Monday September 29, 2014
Week Two of the Put Children First Campaign sets the stage - #putchildrenfirst
This week our Put Children First campaign is sharing facts and figures about what’s facing kids and families
Kouloun, Mali and the Millennium Development Goals - #putchildrenfirst
Between the community in Kouloun and the SOS Family Strengthening Program, remarkable changes have occurred in Kouloun #putchildrenfirst
Thursday September 25, 2014
Ebola Update: Interview with Monrovia Medical Centre Administrator
Interview with Monrovia Medical Centre Administrator regarding battling the most severe Ebola outbreak to date—so extreme that it is declared a…
Monday September 22, 2014
SOS Children’s Villages Canada launches Put Children First campaign - #putchildrenfirst
SOS Children's Villages will be sharing our support and our own stories on the rights of children, emphasizing the need to Put Children First when…
Sunday September 21, 2014
Happy – "Confidence, charm and great hair!"
With good news not as frequent as the bad, it’s nice to take a break from it all and feel the warmth that comes from those being happy and…
Wednesday August 27, 2014
Ebola Awakens Widespread Fear in Liberia, with Recent Memory of Civil War
Schools are closed in Liberia. SOS Children who were looking forward to returning to school in September now face more time at home and in the SOS…
Tuesday August 19, 2014
SOS Family Strengthening Program inspires mother to give back
Just ten minutes away from Machu Picchu, Peru’s most popular landmark, poverty is noticeable.
Friday August 15, 2014
Looking Towards a Hopeful Future: Ten Years After the Tsunami
32 year-old Yalini’s neatly-tiled home in Kayankerny, Sri Lanka, is a safe haven and comfort for her family ten years after the devastating Tsunami…
As Ebola Outbreak Continues, SOS Strengthens Precautions
No SOS families or SOS-supported community families have been directly affected by Ebola. The atmosphere is tense but SOS Villages are doing what…
A Tale of Infant Twins: Happy and Healthy
Hilda and Rhoda have not had an easy start to life and Mary planned to make up for this fact by doing everything in her power to ensure their health…
Tuesday July 29, 2014
Visiting Ancestral Roots through SOS Children’s Villages Programs
It had been many years since Martha had heard the sound of Emberá, the language of her people and Colombia’s third largest indigenous group.
SOS Families in South Sudan still waiting for a way home
Despite ceasefire agreements signed by the warring factions, sporadic shootings and violent clashes continue to be reported in the Jonglei and Upper…
Rebuilding Lives after Super-Typhoon Haiyan
The SOS Emergency Response Program provides resources to re-establish livelihoods, permanent housing for hundreds of families, and recovery efforts…
SOS Addresses Ebola in West Africa
The Ebola virus outbreak crisis in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone emerged earlier this year and continues with devastating death counts.
Vincent Kompany, soccer hero and children’s champion
Kompany’s time at World Cup allows ideal opportunity to endorse SOS Children’s Villages. For example, until July 4th, fans around the world will have…
Thursday July 3, 2014
Pedro's Story: Resilience of a Champion
Even before he was born, Pedro suffered from a lack of care. His mother’s abuse of alcohol during pregnancy was the main cause of Pedro’s cerebral…
2014 Hermann Gmeiner Award Winners Announced
June 23, marked the anniversary of our SOS Children’s Villages founder Hermann Gmeiner’s birth in 1919. SOS honoured his memory on this occasion than…
Tuesday June 24, 2014
Children and the Post-2015 Development Agenda
In an exclusive round-table meeting at the UN on post-2015 development, SOS Children´s Villages CEO Richard Pichler argued that issues related to…
Monday May 26, 2014
Saving Mothers in Mali
Attending a medical appointment for her newborn is a new experience for Dalla.
Monday May 12, 2014
Finding Hope Amidst Turmoil in the Central African Republic: Marc’s Story
Small children like Marc, lost and alone, are especially vulnerable. And, though Marc was taken in by another family at the camp, they mistreated him…
Wednesday May 7, 2014
The Healing Hands of an SOS Mother
Twenty years ago, thousands of children became victims of the genocide in Rwanda. Many found a new home in an SOS Children’s Village. Motherly love…
Friday April 11, 2014