Sponsor a Village
When you choose to sponsor a Village, you contribute towards the support of all the children living at this SOS Children's Village by helping to meet their collective needs and ensuring the ongoing operation of the Village. The money is used to help cover the running costs of the SOS Children's Village including the:
- maintenance of the houses,
- new acquisitions (e.g. furniture, household and other appliances, etc.) and
- salaries of the staff.
We will use 80.5% of your contribution towards running the Village, 19.5% is used for communications and promotions to help other children and Villages.
On becoming a sponsor of an SOS Village you will receive:
- a letter of welcome,
- a detailed description of the country where your sponsored SOS Village is situated, as well as,
- a description and a photograph of the SOS Village.

Sponsorships provide the stability needed to raise a child.
Sponsorships allows you to follow the progress and see your donations impact, with updates coming to you directly by international mail.
SOS Villages sponsorships often also help fund Family Strengthening Programs, that help prevent child abandonment.

Download our Sponsorship Guide
Our sponsorship guide is mailed with every sponsorship, you can download and read it as well.
Frequently Asked Questions about Sponsoring an SOS Village
An SOS Village sponsorship is an earmarked financial contribution made regularly by an individual donor or an organization/company as a means of supporting children on a long-term basis.
More than 500,000 people, mostly children, in 134 countries and territories benefit from SOS Children's Villages and supporting facilities.
Sponsors, through their regular contributions, help ensure the organization's financial stability and the children's well-being, education and integration into their local community. Money is earmarked to support a particular SOS Children's Village and the sponsor is provided updates from the SOS Village.
For sponsorships of a village, 80.5% of your donation is used to help raise the children in the SOS Village. This is a predetermined percentage that is guaranteed by our Board of Directors.
Your sponsorship lasts as long as you want it to. Although it is our aim to establish a long-term relationship with our sponsors, you are able to cancel for whatever reason whenever you want, without giving notice. You can cancel your sponsorship either by using the contact us link, or by telephone at +1 (800) 767-5111.
If you would like to change your contact information or your banking information, please use our update contact information form, or call us at +1 (800) 767-5111.
All donations are welcome. You can make a donation, simply click here.Please do let us know if you would like to designate the donation to the SOS Village you sponsored SOS Village.
The children's right to privacy and the need to observe data protection laws are paramount.
We do not and request sponsors do not make public an individual child's need for help.
This is why you will not see children's photos, real names, and locations listed on our website. Where we have photos of children, we have changed their names and/or Villages.
Privacy and respect are important for both children and sponsors.
Yes, we provide Canadian Tax Receipts once a year for your personal tax purposes. If you are a resident of the USA or the United Kingdom, you can sponsor a child with the national association and receive the tax treatment of your residence.
To ensure that the living costs (food, clothes, schooling and vocational training, medical care, free-time activities, co-worker pay etc.) are covered, SOS Children's Villages have multiple sponsors for children and the facilities. We extend sponsorships until running costs are covered, so sometimes an SOS Village sponsorship is not available for a specific SOS Village you may wish to sponsor.
On leaving the SOS Children's Village facility the youths are paid the money that has been saved up for them either as a lump sum or in instalments.
The salary when beginning a job is, in many countries, so low that it does not cover all living costs. In these cases, SOS Children's Villages makes an additional financial contribution, to help the youth in starting an independent life.
SOS Children's Villages has started the "head start program" to help young people. This offers former SOS Children's Village children who want to run their own small business loans at a low rate of interest with flexible forms of repayment. We hope to imitate what biological parents often do to help their children in life.