Sample Codicil
What is a Codicil?
A codicil is a legal document that is used to make minor modifications to an already existing Last Will and Testament. A codicil has the same signing requirements as a will: Even when making minor adjustments, you’re required to sign in the presence of two adult witnesses (who cannot be beneficiaries listed in your will).
When is it appropriate to use a Codicil?
A codicil is only appropriate if you wish to make minor changes to your will. These changes could include adding or deleting specific bequests.

This is a codicil to the Last Will and Testament of me, ________________________________, of the City of____________________, in the Region of____________________, in the Province of__________________, which will is dated the _____ of ________, 202___.
1. I add the following provision to this my Will, after Paragraph (or clause) ____:
Prior to the disposition of the residue of my estate, I direct my Executor/Trustee to transfer to SOS CHILDREN’S VILLAGES CANADA, at Ottawa ___% (or a specific amount $______) of my estate for the general purposes of the said organization and I declare that the receipt of the person who professes to be the proper person to receive this gift shall be a sufficient discharge thereof.
2. In all other respects I confirm my Will.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have to this Codicil to my Will, written upon this page my name this _____ day of _________, 202__.
(does not require witnesses if entirely in Testator’s own hand)
National Office
240-44 ByWard Market Square
Ottawa, ON K1N 7A2
A downloadable, printable version of this document is available.
If you are a resident of Quebec, please use this version