Emergency Response Program in Central African Republic

Political unrest in the Central African Republic
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Political unrest in the Central Africa Republic has left 2.2 million people in need of humanitarian aid and caused massive displacement. Of the estimated 836,000 people who have fled their homes, at least half are children.

The SOS Children’s Villages emergency program in the Central African Republic has helped more than 9,000 children since 2013 by offering protection, nutritional assistance and educational help.

In 2017, we will continue to assist vulnerable children and families who have fled their homes due to political unrest.

Please help us continue to make a difference by donating to the SOS MAYDAY Emergency Relief Fund.

Infographic Summary

Situation Summary in the Central African Republic

  • Political unrest has left nearly half the country's 4.6 million people in need of humanitarian help.
  • At least 836,000 people have fled their homes, 50% of them children.*
  • There are 383,000 people who are internally displaced
  • There are 2.2 million people in need of humanitarian assistance
  • 4,533,000 people have fled to other countries

How SOS Children's Villages is Responding

  • Protection
    Child friendly spaces, social and emotional care for traumatized children, and family reunification.
  • Nutrition
    Food, care and health monitoring for malnourished children, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.
  • Education
    Training teachers, rebuilding schools and providing classroom resources and supplies.

SOS Children's Villages Focus in 2017

  • Social and emotional care for 7,500 at-risk children
  • Family reunification assistance for 50 unaccompanied or separated children
  • Nutritional and health care for 1,200 children who are moderately or severely malnourished, and 100 pregnant women or breastfeeding mothers
  • Class supplies & learning resources for 10,000 school-age children


*Source: CAR Humanitarian Needs Overview 2017