SOS Medical Centres
Around the world, people are suffering because of a lack of essential medical services. SOS Children’s Villages believes in upholding everyone’s right to quality healthcare. Our SOS Medical Centres deliver quality healthcare to the children in our care, our staff and their families, and the surrounding community. We know that improved access to healthcare reduces the risk of children losing parental care or facing abandonment.
About SOS Medical Centres
Local health authorities or SOS Children’s Villages, in partnership with the state Department of Health and local communities, run SOS Medical Centres. They offer inpatient and outpatient treatments and employ a highly qualified staff of state-registered nurses, midwives, laboratory technicians and doctors. With 76 SOS Medical Centres, over 800,000 medical treatments have been provided worldwide.

Health programs
SOS Children's Villages focuses on developing health prevention and treatment programs where there is the greatest need and can have the greatest impact. The services and treatments SOS Medical Centres offer differ depending on the community's needs. In some countries, SOS Medical Centres operate mother-and-child clinics, which provide pre and post-natal care and childbirth facilities.

Raising awareness
SOS Medical Centres, initially established next to SOS Children's Villages, provide essential healthcare for children in SOS families, their caregivers and SOS staff and their families. Today, these centres actively serve the surrounding communities through our Family Strengthening Programs, reaching even more people in need.
The Family Strengthening Programs focus on health promotion and awareness, providing children and families with information on nutrition, family planning, sexually transmitted diseases, prevention, and general healthcare, empowering families to better care for their children and lead healthier lives. SOS Children's Villages is also part of the global fight against HIV/AIDS, running information campaigns to raise awareness about infection risks.
Emergency Health Centres
In times of crisis, such as conflict, extreme drought, or famine, SOS Emergency Relief Programs create emergency healthcare centres that provide services for infectious diseases like malaria and measles, and malnourishment.