Love transcends borders: Migration in response to the Venezuelan Crisis

Migration in response to the Venezuelan Crisis

Francisca*, a Venezuelan mother of three, has lived in the settlement of La Pista in Maicao for three years, trying to navigate the challenges of building a new life for her family in Colombia. 


"I am Venezuelan, migrating from Caracas; we came because of my children," Francisca says, echoing the universal sentiment of parents seeking a better future for their offspring. Her family includes her partner and three children, ages 13, 11, and  8. 


Francisca's decision to embark on this journey was fueled by a mother's love and a deep-rooted desire to improve her children's wellbeing. In Caracas, the struggle for decent food and the challenges of demanding work led her to migrate with her family. Every step they took was a venture into the unknown, marked by uncertainty about their future, a narrative familiar to countless families affected by the Venezuelan crisis. 


Over time, they began weaving a new life, where they discovered the profound truth that love for family is everything.  


Love became a guiding force


Francisca encountered difficult moments, particularly with her children. During this tumultuous period, the intervention of SOS Children’s Villages social workers transformed their family dynamics. The Family Strengthening Program became a beacon of support, offering guidance on patience, communication, and understanding. 


Participating in workshops changed Francisca's relationship with her children and partner. Post-workshop, her children want to be with her, and their relationship with their father has strengthened by spending more quality time together. For Francisca, the key lessons learned revolve around the importance of parental presence, communication, and addressing issues through love. 


Resilience in adversity


The challenges migrant families face are diverse and multifaceted: arriving in a new place, establishing a sense of belonging, navigating work opportunities, and securing fundamental rights. In response to these challenges, humanitarian assistance projects aim to strengthen families and communities, emphasizing the protection and integration of migrant children, adolescents, and families. 


Francisca's story is a testament to the positive impact of such initiatives. In her own words: "I tell families to love each other, to love each other very much, to love their children. In the morning, in the afternoon, in the day, and at night, give them a hug or a kiss because children are unique, and family is the most beautiful thing." 


Humanitarian assistance in action


In Colombia, organizations like SOS Children’s Villages extend humanitarian assistance to the refugee and migrant population from Venezuela across multiple regions. From La Guajira to Santander, their efforts have reached approximately 120,000 people between 2020 and 2022. The focus remains on comprehensive protection services, especially for vulnerable groups such as children, adolescents, and pregnant and nursing mothers. 


Services include preventing child-family separation, providing care and protection for unaccompanied or separated children, and access to Family Strengthening Programs. 


*Name changed to protect privacy. 

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