Tharushi is a Bundle of Joy

Tharushi* is a bundle of joy. "I am 7-years-old and I am studying in grade one. I love to go to school because I have so many friends there. My teachers are very kind. They teach me new things every day.” Her favourite subject is English. She goes to the English classes in the Sri Lankan SOS Village school.
“I am the youngest of my family. My sisters help me with my studies. I love to play with my sisters and brothers. I specially like to play with my elder sister, Nikini. Most of the time, we put up a play doll house and make ‘kompittu’ (a local game that the kids play with sand and water; similar to sand castles). I am glad we have a lot of sand near our neighbor’s house!” she giggled.
She is the love of her family. Everyone loves her for her cheerful personality. She claimed that she loves them back. Though she is small, she helps her mother in the little ways she can. Little Tharushi helps her mother in the kitchen by scraping coconut. She said that she knows how to cook lentil curry, which is a surprising skill for her age.
Tharushi has a flair for music. "My brother has a violin and he plays it cleverly. I also want to play like him and I also want to learn the guitar. My ambition is to be a Music Teacher when I grow up!" she shared her dream.
Little Tharushi was wearing a beautiful dress and a nice hairband on her hair. She said in a bubbly voice that she received the dress from her mother and she loves her mother so much.
"How much Tharushi?" she was silent for a while and said in a serious voice, "as much as the sky!!!"
Tharushi is growing like a beautiful girl with the love, caring and attention of a mother and a family. Her happy smile and the joy in her eyes explain that she is enjoying the days at her new family. The world couldn’t change her smile as she’s is in a safe haven now and her future is secured because of the generous sponsorships by our kind hearted friends.
Canadians wishing to help are encourage to sponsor a child, sponsor a Village or make a one-time donation. Your support will help change the lives of orphaned, abandoned and other vulnerable children. Please help today.
*Name changed to protect the privacy of the child