Sudan: Children and families need your help

The conflict in Sudan has directly affected the SOS Village Khartoum in the Nation's capital. The children and families from our SOS Village have been evacuated to safe homes, with contingency plans in place for further evacuation should the conflict escalate.


Some children and staff were in the SOS Villages when gun fire erupted near the SOS Village and some minor injuries incurred. The trauma of escaping the gun fire will last much longer.


Access to basic necessities has been limited and many are struggling without power, water, food or funds they need for themselves and their families.


The children and families from the SOS Family Strengthening Programs have remained in their homes where it has been safe to do so, and SOS is providing extended funds support so they can get what they need to survive.


SOS Sudan in currently purchasing, stockpiling and, where available, distributing essential lifesaving supplies for families.


We've started a mental health assessment for the children in our care and families supported. Early social and psychological health for children is critical as their routines are disrupted with being displaced.


The families that are not displaced due to the conflict are facing challenges too, with school and work closures. Retail and services disruptions and the ability to buy life essentials including food and fuel are increasing the stresses on families.


SOS Children's Villages Canada will be supporting SOS Sudan with our MAYDAY Fund, set up for emergencies like this when the support and duration needs to be flexible and delivered quickly.


You can help with donation to MAYDAY Emergency Fund

SOS Children's Villages Sudan has been serving children, young people and families in the country for over 40 years, guided by the high humanitarian standard and principles of neutrality, impartially and independence. Currently the organization's emergency program benefits about 71, 000 people and the family strengthening program about 700 children and young people.
