The consequence of war: An orphaned three-year-old rescued from the rubble in Gaza
From inconsolable and alone to connecting with other children at SOS Children’s Villages in Rafah.
Wednesday February 21, 2024
Ongoing conflict in Sudan: An update
SOS families evacuated seven months ago from Khartoum have been forced to move again.
Tuesday February 20, 2024
A mother's difficult decision to leave Venezuela for the health of her children
SOS Children’s Villages Colombia provides crucial support to refugees and migrants from Venezuela.
Friday February 16, 2024
New mother escapes occupied territory in Ukraine to start a new life with her daughter
Forced to move to a new town, a safer place for Daria to raise her child until they can return home.
Wednesday February 14, 2024
Statement: Recent changes for SOS Children’s Villages in Canada
Thursday February 1, 2024
Children who lost parents in the war are brought to SOS Children’s Villages in Gaza
Up to 55 children will join the more than 70 children being cared for in SOS Children's Villages in Rafah.
Monday January 15, 2024
Friendship blossoms amid migration challenges in Mexico
Daniel and Pablo form a bond that transcends borders.
Tuesday December 19, 2023
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the positive outcomes for children
Reflection on the progress made and the obstacles that lie ahead in our commitment to uphold children's rights worldwide.
Wednesday December 13, 2023
Psychological care is crucial for the children of Israel and Palestine to avert long-term trauma
Daily struggles to meet basic needs, exposure to violence, and a lack of security are having a lasting impact on mental health.
Tuesday December 12, 2023
Developing the necessary skills to thrive independently in Nepal
Care leaver from Nepal started a restaurant franchise with the help of her SOS family.
Monday December 11, 2023
Valentyna and her young family in Ukraine find hope in an uncertain new reality
SOS mother and child-friendly spaces provide much-needed support to families forced to settle in a new place, away from everything familiar.
Friday December 8, 2023
Educating about traditional practices that violate children’s rights in Ethiopia
Selam, in grade 3, advocates against female circumcision and early and forced marriage for girls in her community.
Tuesday December 5, 2023
SOS Mother in Brazil navigates mental health with 11 children in her care
A holistic approach to mental health ensures that caregivers have the tools they need.
Monday November 20, 2023
World Children’s Day: Nurturing strong relationships plays a vital role in shaping a child's future
World Children’s Day reminds us to reflect on the progress made on children’s rights and increase our efforts to ensure that no child grows up alone.
Study on children without parental care in Africa
This study is the first for the African continent and provides baseline information to better understand the plight of children without parental care…
Thursday November 16, 2023
Fighting gender-based violence keeps girls in school in rural Togo
Education on the long-term damage of gender-based violence reduces the stigma faced by girls so they can be hopeful about their futures.
Urgent attention is needed for children without parental care amid Sudan conflict
Statement by Abdelrahman Mubarak, National Director of SOS Children's Villages Sudan.
Tuesday November 14, 2023
Children displaced by violence in Khartoum long to return home
With no diplomatic solution to the conflict in sight and with the violence escalating, Yousra wonders if there will be a home to go back to.
A mother in India breaks the cycle of violence and abuse
Since the household became free of violence, the children’s academic performance and social confidence improved.
Monday November 13, 2023
Israel-Palestine conflict: We must protect children and their rights
SOS Children’s Villages calls for immediate protection of children and their rights.
Wednesday November 8, 2023
The path to quality education in the Dominican Republic
Insights from Raquel Santos, Director of Programs, SOS Children’s Villages Dominican Republic.
Tuesday October 24, 2023
A life-long relationship with SOS Children's Villages
A letter from long-time supporter and legacy donor Regine Frost.
Monday October 23, 2023
SOS alumna from Namibia pursues a career in psychology to give back
The nurturing of Lighteliese’s empathy, artistic talent and leadership skills were crucial to her career in psychology.
Tuesday October 17, 2023
Preventing malnutrition among migrant Venezuelan children with daily meals in Colombia
72,000 nutritious meals were distributed in the past year to vulnerable children in La Guajira, Colombia.
Monday October 16, 2023
Ambitious young entrepreneur in Ethiopia is a role model for his siblings
Dine joined the SOS Children’s Villages youth employment training program to support his family and pay his tuition fees.
Friday October 13, 2023